
The first time I ever heard about artificial intelligence was from my brother in the late 1980s. I was about to go to college, and he said it was an emerging technology I should check out.

Although I usually highly regard my brother's counsel, I ended up pursuing a degree in electrical engineering for other endeavors. My math skills were not bad, and I tutored mathematics up to Calculus and Differential Equations, but I struggled with Physics II and other courses. After some soul searching, I decided to drop out of college.

I don't regret my decision, but I paid the price for not having a degree for several years. Nonetheless, I'm proud to say I graduated from the School of Hard Knocks.

There are so many films about artificial intelligence, but some of them don't even use the term, which was coined back in 1955. For example, 2001: A Space Odyssey and The Terminator don't mention artificial intelligence or A.I.  The first movie I ever saw that actually had "artificial intelligence" in its dialogue was The Matrix, which came out in 1999.

Another great film about A.I. is Netflix's Extinction with Michael Peña (Ant-Man, Battle: Los Angeles) and Lizzy Caplan (Mean Girls). Even though artificial intelligence is the heart of the story, you don't understand its significance until later in the movie.

Extinction is very similar to an alien invasion film called Skyline as it takes place in a high rise apartment building, but Extinction tells a story about human rights in a very clever way.

Artificial intelligence is not a fad. Despite its potential dangers, the technology certainly has its purpose and applications, and it has become more and more prominent in everyday life. Come to think of it, maybe A.I. could have helped me make better life choices, like with my college education.
